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LoPresti - Plushie 1
LoPresti - Plushie 2



This was the first video I created for cinema, and I think it's alright. My time for taking shots was a little rushed, so I couldn't get shots that I was really proud of. I made a decent story, the horse looking outside and eventually making his way to look at the mountains, and I think the Moana song really made it. I need more work on editing, some of my cuts are jumpy and my clips are an awkward length, plus it was my first time using Final Cut. When I made travel videos, I make cuts to align with the changes in music, but my clips didn't really work with that. I know I could have done better, and I'm hoping that when I'm allowed more control of the camera (ex: manual focus instead of auto) I can get better shots that I'm proud of. 



I'm much more proud of my second plushie film than my first. I used manual focus, so I was able to take some shots that I was really proud of and had been planned for a while, like the over the shoulder shots and the last scene where it faded to black. One struggle I had was moving the plushies while filming, because this caused me to be less steady with the camera and resulted in some shaky shots that I know I could have done better. I was much more comfortable with the camera this time around, and final cut pro is very similar to imovie, which I'm used to working with. After the first time, I had exporting and uploading to vimeo down pat, and some of my fellow students asked me to help them out. I thought my choice in music worked well, and I'm lucky that my film length matched up with a good lyric of the song, "Some things are meant to be" before the fade to black, because it portrays the emotion of the film. Overall, I'm pretty proud of this and I can't wait to do some more advanced things as the semester goes on. 

Pictured to the left is my story board, it's simple and many of the shots I decided to change in the moment and I added more shots that I hadn't planned out. The music choice was also decided after the fact, as I didn't think the music I wrote worked with the theme of the film after taking all my shots. I definitely need to work on my storyboarding, but I think it's okay for my first time. 

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