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This semester, I was very focused on working on the fall film and planning for next semester. I've begun to work on my documentary, as well as planning for many films I will accomplish next semester. 

Dene Farm

I was lucky enough to work with Chloe on her amazing idea, a commercial for Dene Farm perfume. I was the DP on this project, as well as assisting directing when people weren't listening to Chloe. I worked with the gimbal on an actual film for the first time in this film, trying to get comfortable with it in preparation for next semester. It was fun to just focus on being the DP, because in a lot of my projects I'm everything (I'm trying to work on my ability to delegate, not do everything myself). I asked Chloe to share the planning document with me so I could plan the shots beforehand, and make sure I knew the basic rundown of the film. I'm pretty proud of my work, and I love the way that Chloe edited it together. I think it has a very good chance of making it to the Gawliks.

Emily's Interview

I finally began the actual filming process of my documentary after doing pre-production (writing questions, planning whom I'm going to interview, reaching out to potential interviewees, practicing lighting, etc.). For this interview, I traveled out to Wisconsin, where my friend Emily lives. She lost her dad when she was 9 to cancer, and she was super excited to help me out with the documentary. It was a good first interview, although I wish I had a little bit more dramatic lighting. The room/time of day in which I'm filming is definitely something I'll have to keep in mind for all of my future interviews. Having at least one interview done has also given me something to start editing with. 


I have many other Gawlik film ideas in the works (about 14 more films besides Dene Farm and Loss). This semester was pretty unproductive for me, but break will give me plenty of time to finish laying out all my ideas word for word and shot by shot, so coming into the new semester I will be fired up and ready to go. I have a variety of films planned (one in almost every category... except for best film...). The ones I'm most excited about are

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