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I really liked Lily Craig's idea for a Galentine's Day news story, especially since the news was originally going to come out around Valentines Day. However, since it's now about 13 days past Galentine's Day the news story seems kind of out of place. We decided on doing a fake interview with Lily posing as the Galentines Day Expert. I really wanted to try and do a two camera shoot, and the first time we tried it didn't turn out very well. However, it seems like second time was the charm and I really like the way these shots came out. Because of the two camera

shoot I didn't have to find much b roll for this news story, because I had the multiple cameras to cover the cuts (I used a 7D and a 70D). That was good because I'm not sure what b roll I would have even used to cover the cuts. I don't think I'll ask Lily to act again, though (we used a tascam to get audio, which is really nice becuase I'm getting a lot more practice with it). The "asking out" part was pretty easy to film, I just grabbed a 7D and had Jordan hold the light. We used a rode mic to get this audio, which I think worked out pretty decently. We actually had to film the Liz/Rachel part twice, as the first time the ISO on the camera was wrong because I always forget how bright the library is. As well as being the DP, I also edited this story. Using the basic lower third worked out, and I angled the camera for the interview becuase I knew where the lower third would be so the final shot would look clean. 


The news story I was most excited about! I did the interviews for this news story. Over the three I did, I think they got better as I went, with Ray Chen being the last and Aryn's being the second. Only two of the interviews made it into the final news story because of time and what information was beneficial to the overall message. I edited most of it, but had Jordan look it over and cut stuff because I had no idea what to cut. She ended up cutting the entirety of Grace's interview, which I think worked out in the end. The one thing I wish, is that I had interviewed Ray 

and Aryn on opposite sides of the screen, instead of Grace being filmed on the left side. If we had used all three interviews, there would have been that variety of angles. However, for such a short news story I doubt it was really noticable. Something that is really noticable is the mic on Aryn's shirt during her interview, but she wasnt wearing any clothes that could have hidden it and I haven't had enough practice yet to know where else to put it (and the black mic on the yellow shirt just made it even more noticable). I also wish I could have found a more interesting background, but I didn't want to go too far from the meeting and this was the only available room. This was the last news story I did, so I had plenty of practice with the tascam and ended up getting (what I think is) clean audio. I wish I did the B roll myself, but because I was doing the interviews and because of the short timespan of the meeting, I had Lily do the B roll. I asked her to use a tripod (after my mishap with the band b roll), and she decided not to so the B roll is kind of shaky/out of focus. However, most of it was useable and overall, I think it ended up pretty well. The music was a last minute decision, but it was just simple and would fit the story. There was actually kind of a struggle with getting this one done, because it was supposed to be filmed the two weeks before break started so I would have time to edit it and turn it in for the news, but because of the weather the original meeting was canceled. Thanks to the snow day we had, the news is instead going out after break so I was able to get the interviews done and edit it in time. 


This was my third news story, which I worked on mostly outside of class. It was just Jarrett and I, so we each took B roll and did one interview (he edited). I interviewed Julie Freebern and took the B roll of band. I was nervous to interview Julie, and the only open room was the really small practice room so it was difficult to set up, get a good angle, have a place to stand to interview, and check the camera. Because of this, I didn't double check the light reflection in the glasses, which really ruined the shot for me. Jarrett said it was fine, and we decided to use it anyways. 

Also because of the small room, there was no way for me to get an interesting background. Next time I do an interview, I know that I would prefer to have two people there. With Julie I got my first real practice with the tascam, and I wish I checked the settings because I honestly think it might have been set on the tascam mic, instead of the lav mic. However, I know to check that every time now so I can get the audio I want. The b roll was a bit too dark, I should have put it on auto lighting just for the b roll. However, the color was also really orange which I didn't know how to fix but Jarrett was able to do some color correction. I was also really nervous to film B roll during band, mostly because its so many people that might be watching me, I didn't want to be a distraction during class, and since I've never worked with Neil before I didn't really know how to interact with him and how professional I should be. Due to this nervousness, I opted not to bring a tripod because I didn't know how difficult it would be to maneuver it around with all the chairs, instruments and people. Next time I know to bring a tripod anyways, just so I can get some steadier B roll if possible. Overall, I think it turned out pretty well, especially for only having a team of two.

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plan + questions for student council

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plan + questions for Galentine's Day

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questions for prism concert, since Jarrett and I filmed on our own time we didn't have a schedule


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Timeline for Galentine's Day. It took some practice to edit with the two camera shots and the tascam audio, but I used a new shortcut to cut through all the clips at the same time which made editing a lot easier, and now I've been using it in everything I'm editing because I dont have to worry about the audio and video not lining up. 

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This timeline (for student council) looks more like something I'm used to, one camera video, b roll, tascam audio and the background music. I tried a different lower third for this video because I was sick of using the basic lower thirds. I also used a generator for this story, because one time I was watching you edit your documentary and you told me about using generators and how we should be using them more often, so I was interested and decided to try it out. I was lucky enough that I needed to put an email up on the video, and it was fun to do a bit more experimenting. 

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